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Welcome to our training department.

No matter if you are a beginner or a well trained and experienced athlet you will find a trainingplan here that will meet your wishes, your abilities and your intentions. In case you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We are here to help you.

Whatever plan you use to prepare for your big race on September 22, 2024 please have your health checked by your doctor once a year.

One little advice: There are rest days in all our training plans.

Please do consider those restdays an essential part of the plan.

They are important and no wasted time. Ideally you join a group of runners to train. If there is no group why don’t you establish one with your friends? Running together ist a lot fun and very motivating.

If you do not feel like running a halfmarathon, participate in the 10-km-race.

We wish you a lot of success and fun.

See you at the starting line in September!

Plan 1

This plan is for absolute beginners who want to complete the 10 km run
A bit of overweight does not matter
Desire to discover and experience a new world
You have time to run three times a week

Plan 2

This plan is made for those runners who can handle 20-30 min of running without a break at their personal speed and who want to complete the 10 km run
You have to have time to run three times a week
Maybe you have some training experience
Maybe you have a gained a certain performance level by cycling, swimming or any other endurance sport
You do not need any race experience
A bit of overweight does not matter

Plan 3

This plan is made for those runners who can handle 1:00 h to 1:30 h of running without a break at their personal speed
Personal best on the 10 km distance should be 50-70 min
This plan is great for all of you who love the classic distance of 10 km and want to improve their personal best
You have to have time to run three times a week
Maybe you have training experience of 2-3 years
You should some race experience
You should have a professional approach

Plan 4

This plan is made for those runners who can handle 1:00 h to 1:30 h of running without a break at their personal speed
For runners who want to be well prepared for an enjoyable hlafmarathon
Personal best on the 10 km distance should be 50-70 min
You have to have time to run three times a week
Maybe you have some training experience
Race experience is not needed, but helpful
In any case this plan will safely guide you to your halfmarathon debut

Plan 5

This plan is made for those runners who can handle art least 2:00 h of running without a break at their personal speed
Maybe you have some training experience
Want to train for the halfmarathon
You should have a professional approach
You have time to run four times a week
You should some race experience

Plan 6

This plan is made for those runners who can handle art least 2:30 h of running without a break at their personal speed
You have time to run five times a week
Who want to improve their performance on the 21,1 km distance
You should have race experience
Personal best on the 10 km distance should be 45 min to maximum 55 min
You should have a professional approach
Halfmarathon well below1:40 h
Marathon Agenda