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25 / September
past events
halfmarathon winners
10km race winners
halfmarathon winners
10km race winners

TbilisiMarathon, a social project organized by Heidelberg Cement, was held for the tenth time on September 25, 2022. 

The event was held in a traditional format and covered the central streets of the capital. 

For photos please follow the link - 

In 2022, the beneficiary of the TbilisiMarathon is the National Center of Autism. Money raised from TbilisiMarathon participant registration will be fully used for the construction of one of the cottages of the National Autism Center.Until now, all the centers in the country only provide therapy for children with autism under the age of 16. There are no centers providing services for people with autism above 16 years of age, which are vital for them. The colorful city, built by parents of children with autism, is a regional scale project where the beneficiaries will learn the skills necessary for independent living. The National Autism Center is their hope and chance for the future.

 All participants of the TbilisiMarathon automatically become benefactors and contribute to the construction of a unique center in the region. Together, let's give people with autism a future; The opportunity to live a fulfilling life in society.

received amounts
Marathon Agenda