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25 / October
past events
Avagyan Valya
Kharazishvili Daviti
Papuashvili Tiantin
Oleinikovi Anatoli
Bergen-Cico Dessa
Mashumyan Mher
halfmarathon winners
Gelashvili Tamar
Mkrtchyan Ervand
Golkowsky Stefanie
Baikeevi Teimuraz
Darakhvelidze Mariam
Khoperia Jeiran
10km race winners
halfmarathon winners
Avagyan Valya
Kharazishvili Daviti
Papuashvili Tiantin
Oleinikovi Anatoli
Bergen-Cico Dessa
Mashumyan Mher
10km race winners
Gelashvili Tamar
Mkrtchyan Ervand
Golkowsky Stefanie
Baikeevi Teimuraz
Darakhvelidze Mariam
Khoperia Jeiran

In 2015  with four years of history, Tbilisimarathon has already become an international annual sports event and is a very successful social project organized by HeidelbergCement.

4th Tbilisimarathon was held on October 25th, 2015.  With its growing popularity, Tbilisimarathon also gained scale and  moved from Tbilisi Sea to the city center. As a result, Tbilisimarathon covered the main streets and therefore became one of the major landmarks for Tbilisi, increasing the city’s social and tourist impact.

Tbilisimarathon timing and results services were calculated according to the international standards, supervised by German Company “Mika Timing” - „Official Timekeeping and Data Processing”. Tbilisimarathon participants get online certificates, where exact time of crossing finish lines is resulting. The system is approved and acknowledged in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin Marathons.

The sport event is fully supported by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall and German Embassy in Georgia.



TbilisiMarathon 2015 Beneficiary

Day Center for Children with limited abilities

TbilisiMarathon 2015 beneficiary was the Rustavi Day Center for Children with limited abilities. The funds received from the registration were doubled by HeidelbergCement (48 060 GEL) and transferred for expansion and renovation of the rehabilitation center of persons with limited abilities in the city of Rustavi.

Stated day center is located in the old building, which clearly needed a reconstruction. From 140 students, there are more than 30 children with limited abilities who undergo the social treatment there. However, the center is forced to refuse to treat dozens of children with limited abilities in need due to ruined part of the building (400 sq. m.).

Renovation of exactly this space was intended with the funds collected from TbilisiMarathon 2015 registration, which will give more children with limited abilities chance to undertake the necessary treatment.  Construction and renovation of the day center is to be finished by the end of June 2016. On the time all the construction works are finished, HeidelbergCement representatives, the organizational team of TbilisiMarathon, together with the sponsors of the event as well as the government and media representatives visited and officially opened the Day center.

received amounts
Marathon Agenda