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22 / October
past events
Valentyna Poltavska
David Kharazishvili
Sarah Fountain
Moradi Mohammadjafar
Anna Yusupova
Artem Kuftyrev
halfmarathon winners
Tinatin Papuashvili
Andrey Strizhakov
Ekaterina Dibrova
Saba Khvichava
Alsu Matshina
Davit Abesadze
10km race winners
halfmarathon winners
Valentyna Poltavska
David Kharazishvili
Sarah Fountain
Moradi Mohammadjafar
Anna Yusupova
Artem Kuftyrev
10km race winners
Tinatin Papuashvili
Andrey Strizhakov
Ekaterina Dibrova
Saba Khvichava
Alsu Matshina
Davit Abesadze

Overall 2258 runners from 51 countries participated in 6th Heidelbergcement Tbilisimarathon!

1195 crossed the finishline. Money collected from the registrations (31 435 GEL) was doubled by HeidelbergCement and transfered to the beneficiary. Hence every participant of Tbilisimarathon was involved in charity. 

It is important to mention that runners, guests from all over the world, supporters and every company, team or organization involved in the event went home with huge contentment. 

Tbilisimarathon timing and results services were calculated according to the international standards, supervised by German Company “Mika Timing” - „Official Timekeeping and Data Processing”. Tbilisimarathon participants get online certificates, where exact time of crossing finish lines is resulting. The system is approved and acknowledged in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin Marathons

TbilisiMarathon 2017

"Kaspi union of people with disabilities" was the beneficiary of TbilisiMarathon 2017!

"Kaspi union of people with disabilities" was founded in 7th April 2015. The main task of the organization is employing and re-socializing people with disabilities.

Right after foundation, organization made a research which was aimed for gathering information about the people with disabilities within Kaspi region and its villages. Long-term plan of development was established.
First program of Union was held with the help of different international organizations and with their help 44 people from more than 30 villages got wheelchairs specially designed based on their demands.
◾It should be noted that constructors of American donor organization were actively involved in distribution of wheelchairs. The job done by "Kaspi union of people with disabilities" received great feedback, which led to the respect and warranty of long term partnerships.
◾Next step was development of social enterprises and a local traditional light manual work was chosen as a field , which included a one year of training program.
The funds Union received from partners were enough to find a building and to adapt it to needs of people involved in project.

◾The idea of creating an iron construction social enterprise popped up while working on the current projects. One of the partners of the project - “LDS Charities” will purchase special hardware and machines for the enterprise. HeidelbergCement actively supports the process of industry planning, which has the potential to manufacture elevators for people with disabilities and some other auxiliaries as well as the iron constructions.

◾The total amount of money gathered from registration traditionally will be doubled by HeidelbergCement and spent on the arrangement and equipment of above mentioned social enterprises. Approximately 20 people with disabilities are going to be employed.

received amounts
Marathon Agenda