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21 / October
past events
Avagyan, Valya
Oleinikovi, Anatoli
Goos, Anna
Baikeev, Teimuraz
Drake, Catherine
Mezquita, Santiago
halfmarathon winners
10km race winners
halfmarathon winners
Avagyan, Valya
Oleinikovi, Anatoli
Goos, Anna
Baikeev, Teimuraz
Drake, Catherine
Mezquita, Santiago
10km race winners

Throughout three years of its existence, Tbilisimarathon has already become an international annual sports event and is a very successful social project organized by HeidelbergCement Caucasus.


Up to almost 2000 people registered on the third Tbilisimarathon, held on October 25, 2014. The funds received from the registration – GEL 15630 was doubled by Heidelbergcement and donated to build a house for children in need in Bediani, Georgia.

TbilisiMarathon was also the first integrated half marathon in Georgia with ten physically handicapped athletes among the participants. It was also the first time in the history of TbilisiMarathon, when the persons with disabilities were involved in some organizational issues of the event.

The record score was reached by Anatoli Oleinikov after 1 hour and 13 minutes, who crossed the finish line of the 3rd TbilisiMarathon as the happy winner. Some 25 minutes later followed Valia Avagyan, the fastest female runner. Among the participants were also employees from HeidelbergCement Caucasus and other Georgian and foreign companies, organizations, ministries and embassies.

Tbilisimarathon is qualified as Half Marathon – 21.0975 km, where all those who are willing – amateurs and professionals can participate.

Tbilisimarathon timing and results services are calculated according to the international standards, supervised by German Company “Mika Timing” - „Official Timekeeping and Data Processing”. Tbilisimarathon participants get online certificates, where exact time of crossing finish lines is resulting. The system is approved and acknowledged in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin Marathons.

The sport event is fully supported by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi City Hall and German Embassy in Georgia.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of Health & Safety programs that represent a major aspect of HeidelbergCement corporate policy, which together with the charity contribution are the main reasons of holding the Tbilisi half marathon.

Beneficiaries of TbilisiMarathon 2014

The funds collected from the registration of TbilisiMarathon 2014, were traditionally doubled by HeidelbergCement AG and used for construction works at Bediani Kids Center, Tsalka district in Georgia.

Bediani Children's Center was founded in 1999. Children’s center consisted of 5 small cottages, which were built in early 50s, most of them are fully depreciated, and consequently, TbilisiMarathon 2014 was aimed for new house building for the kids. The construction works continued for a year and were completed in summer 2016 The Organizational team of TbilisiMarathon carefully observed construction processes and by the end of the project, TbilisiMarathon representatives with their sponsors have visited the renewed kids’ center with an official opening ceremony.

The renewed center will benefit children, who previously were staying at the depreciated cottage, providing them with better educational and living conditions.

received amounts
Marathon Agenda